Friday, February 20, 2009

Journal Feb 20

Been under the weather with a bad cold, but made a trip to Lowe's today.
Bought green plastic fencing and a pack of bamboo for the compost heaps and possibly some trellises. And some mushroom compost for Bed II.
Onions are up. It was cold enough last night- high 30's- that I put a cover on the lettuces, brocollis, and onions.
To do list: plant carrots and radishes, buy materials for new beds, make new beds.
Order cucumber and okra seeds on-line
Explore watering options, buy rain gauge(s).


  1. Hi Sal,
    My little house came equipped with an underground water system so I'm familiar with the brand Rainbird and can vouch for the product. They also make an above ground dripline system that connects to your outdoor faucet. I would need to do this if I build container boxes on my veranda.

    Later on, down the road, I would recommend installing a rainwater collection system that you can hook the dripline to.
    Treated city water pails in comparison to rainwater, which, so far, is still FREE!!

  2. Oh, there's going to be a rain barrel in our future. He just doesn't know it yet.
