Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Journal Feb 25- Ash Wednesday

It's been cool and windy the last several days.
Made two compost bins for all those bagged leaves out of green plastic fencing and bamboo
poles. The bamboo proved to not be quite strong enough, so it's being replaced with wooden stakes. I cut 12' lengths of the fencing, joined the ends with twist ties and staked them to the ground in a 4' circle, one near the front gate, one by the side back fence.
For future reference, the 4' fence is too high, but the height can't be cut down, so the remainder of the roll will make nice trellises. Get 3' tall next time.
Peas are not coming up, may try them somewhere else and replant another vine crop in their spot. Or a flowering vine.
Planted the mint, in a flowerpot.
Planted a holly in the Bird Area.
Cleaned out the plastic trunk that I keep the gardening stuff in. (It was the kids's camp trunk, many years ago.) Also, the yellow plastic caddy for the hand tools. There was a green skink in that- we gave each other a start!
V. is going to build a rack for the big tools. It has to be shorter than the den windows and will be kind of like a gun rack. There may be space underneath to store things- we'll see.
Things sent to the garage: planters, pots, brackets, weed block, plastic fencing, bamboo poles, seldom used tools, pesticides (to be locked up), and potting soil.
Collected a box of old pesties to send to Chemical Disposal.
I need a screwdriver for the garden trunk, to go with the hammer. Also, a container for the bird items- suet blocks, the brushes for the bath and feeders, yarn scraps, Dawn, Clorox solution. Gathered up the seeds into a Texmati jar- great solution.
Shopping list for H-D:
plastic bin
5 cedar 2x6s
8 angle irons
Screws for irons
Large screws
Cedar 2x4s ? for tool rack
There are buds on the narcissus- a plant I'm not allowed to grow indoors. "Mom! That stinks!"

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